Saturday, December 12, 2009

H1b employers-If Immigration comes knocking, what to do?

Immigration Service has been conducting fraud investigations and raiding H1b employers. One of the things, an H1b employer must do and have is Public access files.

H1b Employers must maintain public access files for each employee. Such files must be created within one working day after the day the LCA is filed with the DOL. The file must be maintained at the employer’s principal place of business or the place of employment.

 The public access file must contain:

·     A copy of the certified labor condition application;
·     Documentation which provides the wage rate to be paid the H-1B nonimmigrant;
·     A full, clear explanation of the system that the employer used to set the "actual wage" the employer has paid or will pay workers in the occupation for which the H-1B nonimmigrant is sought, including any periodic increases which the system may provide--e.g., memorandum summarizing the system or a copy of the employer's pay system or scale;
·     A copy of the documentation the employer used to establish the "prevailing wage" for the occupation for which the H-1B nonimmigrant is sought (a general description of the source and methodology is all that is required to be made available for public examination; the underlying individual wage data relied upon to determine the prevailing wage is not a public record, although it shall be made available to the Department in an enforcement action);
·     A copy of the document(s) with which the employer has satisfied the union/employee notification requirements of 20 CFR §655.734;
·     A summary of the benefits offered to U.S. workers in the same occupational classifications as H-1B nonimmigrants, a statement as to how any differentiation in benefits is made where not all employees are offered or receive the same benefits (such summary need not include proprietary information such as the costs of the benefits to the employer, or the details of stock options or incentive distributions), and/or, where applicable, a statement that some/all H-1B nonimmigrants are receiving "home country" benefits;
·     A summary of the benefits offered to U.S. workers in the same occupational classifications as H-1B nonimmigrants, a statement as to how any differentiation in benefits is made where not all employees are offered or receive the same benefits (such summary need not include proprietary information such as the costs of the benefits to the employer, or the details of stock options or incentive distributions), and/or, where applicable, a statement that some/all H-1B nonimmigrants are receiving "home country" benefits;
·     Where the employer utilizes the definition of "single employer" in the IRC, a list of any entities included as part of the single employer in making the determination as to its H-1B-dependency status;
·     Where the employer is H-1B-dependent and/or a willful violator, and indicates on the LCA(s) that only "exempt" H-1B nonimmigrants will be employed, a list of such "exempt" H-1B nonimmigrants;
·     Where the employer is H-1B-dependent or a willful violator, a summary of the recruitment methods used and the time frames of recruitment of U.S. workers (or copies of pertinent documents showing this information).